Hello, It's Me

Mario Manhique

And I am a

Trust me with your Android Application, simple Website or complex Web Application and offer a customized service to your Customers. Feel free to walk trough my Portfolio, download my Resume or Get in Touch for a breaf talk about my services.

Download My Resume

About Me

I am Mario as you might know by now, I am a self-taught software developer based in Mozambique and I have one year of expirience in the field.
I am an Android Enginiere and I work with Web Design. I am constantly learning new skills to add value to me and to you, if we are to work together. I have solid knowledge of Java, Kotlin, Android(Java & Kotlin), MySQL, Ktor Backend Development/API's.

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My Services

Android Applications

From 25.000.00 MZN

This package includes application creation, 10GB of storage and 6 months technical support.

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Backend Development

From 15.000.00 MZN

This package includes a documented, secure and fully-featured API, that can be used to communicate two softwares and/or a Backend Database.

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Web Designer

From 15.000.00 MZN

This package includes website creation, domain, hosting, corporate email and 6 months technical support.

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Latest Projects

Notes App

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Weather Forecast App

Kotlin * Jetpack Compose * MVVM Architecture * Clean Architecture * Dependency Injection (Dagger Hilt) * ROOM * Retrofit * Coroutines * Coil * Google Fonts

Diary App

* Kotlin * Jetpack compose * Dagger Hilt * FirebaseAuth * MongoDb * Cloud firestore * Firebase Storage * Coroutine * Flows * Room * Connectivity Manager

Ktor JWT Auth

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. similique optio tenetur illum eaque aspernatur, ea autem velit veritatis ipsam fugit omnis. Animi.

Movies App

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste libero repudiandae cum minima atque consequuntur velit veritatis ipsam fugit omnis. Animi.

Note App

* Kotlin * Jetpack Compose * MVVM Architecture * Clean Architecture * Dependency Injection(Hilt Dagger) * ROOM

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